Office-365-Statistiken auslesen

1. März 2018

Mit den passenden Skripten für die Powershell lassen sich sehr viele unterschiedliche Aufgaben erledigen. Dabei lassen sich nicht nur Informationen von lokalen Systemen (On-Premise) sondern auch von Cloud-Ressourcen (etwa Microsoft Azure) oder Software-as-a-Service-Angeboten (Office 365) auslesen.

Besonders bei letztgenannten möchten die Administratoren detaillierte Statistiken zur Nutzung die einzelnen Postfächer in regelmäßigen Abständen erstellen. Dazu eignet sich die Powershell – wenn man passende Cmdlets in einem entsprechenden Skript von Alan Byrne kombiniert. So ist es etwa möglich mit Hilfe des Befehles: Get-MessageTrace die jeweiligen Logfiles der Postfächer auszulesen, und mit dem folgenden Skript die Informationen aufzubereiten:


# This script connects to Office 365 and retrieves detailed SMTP mail traffic statistics by user

# Requires Office 365 Wave 15


# Office365Username – Mandatory – Administrator login ID for the tenant we are querying

# Office365Password – Mandatory – Administrator login password for the tenant we are querying

# This script outputs the results to a CSV file called DetailedMessageStats.csv


# To run the script


# .\Get-DetailedMessageStats.ps1 -Office365Username -Office365Password Password123 



# Author:                 Alan Byrne

# Version:                 1.1

# Last Modified Date:     17/01/2013

# Last Modified By:     Alan Byrne @alanmbyrne



#Accept input parameters


    [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]

    [string] $Office365Username,

    [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]

    [string] $Office365Password



$OutputFile = "DetailedMessageStats.csv"


#Did they provide creds?  If not, ask them for it.

if (([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Office365Username) -eq $false) -and ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Office365AdminPassword) -eq $false))


    $SecureOffice365AdminPassword = ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText $Office365AdminPassword -Force    


    #Build credentials object

    $Office365Credentials  = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential $Office365Username, $SecureOffice365AdminPassword




    #Build credentials object

    $Office365Credentials  = Get-Credential



#Create remote Powershell session

$Session = New-PSSession -ConfigurationName Microsoft.Exchange -ConnectionUri -Credential $Office365credentials -Authentication Basic –AllowRedirection        


#Import the session

Import-PSSession $Session -AllowClobber | Out-Null


Write-Host "Collecting Recipients…"


#Collect all recipients from Office 365

$Recipients = Get-Recipient * -ResultSize Unlimited | select PrimarySMTPAddress


$MailTraffic = @{}

foreach($Recipient in $Recipients)


    $MailTraffic[$Recipient.PrimarySMTPAddress.ToLower()] = @{}


$Recipients = $null


#Collect Message Tracking Logs (These are broken into "pages" in Office 365 so we need to collect them all with a loop) 

$Messages = $null

$Page = 1



    Write-Host "Collecting Message Tracking – Page $Page…"

    $CurrMessages = Get-MessageTrace -PageSize 5000 -Page $Page | Select Received,SenderAddress,RecipientAddress,Size


    $Messages += $CurrMessages


until ($CurrMessages -eq $null)


Remove-PSSession $session


Write-Host "Crunching Results…"


#Read each message tracking entry and add it to a hash table

foreach($Message in $Messages)


    if ($Message.SenderAddress -ne $null)


        if ($MailTraffic.ContainsKey($Message.SenderAddress))


            $MessageDate = Get-Date -Date $Message.Received -Format yyyy-MM-dd


            if ($MailTraffic[$Message.SenderAddress].ContainsKey($MessageDate))



                $MailTraffic[$Message.SenderAddress][$MessageDate][‚OutboundSize‘] += $Message.Size




                $MailTraffic[$Message.SenderAddress][$MessageDate] = @{}

                $MailTraffic[$Message.SenderAddress][$MessageDate][‚Outbound‘] = 1

                $MailTraffic[$Message.SenderAddress][$MessageDate][‚Inbound‘] = 0

                $MailTraffic[$Message.SenderAddress][$MessageDate][‚InboundSize‘] = 0

                $MailTraffic[$Message.SenderAddress][$MessageDate][‚OutboundSize‘] += $Message.Size






    if ($Message.RecipientAddress -ne $null)


        if ($MailTraffic.ContainsKey($Message.RecipientAddress))


            $MessageDate = Get-Date -Date $Message.Received -Format yyyy-MM-dd


            if ($MailTraffic[$Message.RecipientAddress].ContainsKey($MessageDate))



                $MailTraffic[$Message.RecipientAddress][$MessageDate][‚InboundSize‘] += $Message.Size




                $MailTraffic[$Message.RecipientAddress][$MessageDate] = @{}

                $MailTraffic[$Message.RecipientAddress][$MessageDate][‚Inbound‘] = 1

                $MailTraffic[$Message.RecipientAddress][$MessageDate][‚Outbound‘] = 0

                $MailTraffic[$Message.RecipientAddress][$MessageDate][‚OutboundSize‘] = 0

                $MailTraffic[$Message.RecipientAddress][$MessageDate][‚InboundSize‘] += $Message.Size







Write-Host "Formatting Results…"


#Build a table to format the results

$table = New-Object system.Data.DataTable "DetailedMessageStats"

$col1 = New-Object system.Data.DataColumn Date,([datetime])


$col2 = New-Object system.Data.DataColumn Recipient,([string])


$col3 = New-Object system.Data.DataColumn Inbound,([int])


$col4 = New-Object system.Data.DataColumn Outbound,([int])


$col5 = New-Object system.Data.DataColumn InboundSize,([int])


$col6 = New-Object system.Data.DataColumn OutboundSize,([int])



#Transpose hashtable to datatable

ForEach ($Recipient in $MailTraffic.keys)


    $RecipientName = $Recipient


    foreach($Date in $MailTraffic[$RecipientName].keys)


        $row = $table.NewRow()

        $row.Date = $Date

        $row.Recipient = $RecipientName

        $row.Inbound = $MailTraffic[$RecipientName][$Date].Inbound

        $row.Outbound = $MailTraffic[$RecipientName][$Date].Outbound

        $row.InboundSize = $MailTraffic[$RecipientName][$Date].InboundSize

        $row.OutboundSize = $MailTraffic[$RecipientName][$Date].OutboundSize





#Export data to CSV and Screen


$table | sort Date,Recipient,Inbound,Outbound, InboundSize, OutboundSize | Out-GridView -Title "Messages Sent By User"


$table | sort Date,Recipient,Inbound,Outbound, InboundSize, OutboundSize | export-csv $OutputFile


Write-Host "Results saved to $OutputFile"

Weitere Informationen dazu finden die Systembetreuer auf der entsprechenden Technet-Seite.

Florian Huttenloher

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